We have listed all the Allaince Jiu Jitsu Gyms in the U.S. for our Team Alliance Jiu Jitsu Members

Evolution MMA  Team Alliance Jiu Jitsu Locations of all Allinace Jiu Jitsu Gyms in the United States.png

Are you a Alliance Jiu Jitsu team member at a gym and Traveling in the U.S. and want to keep your BJJ classes going?

Look up and contact any Allaince Gym and ask if you can stop in for a roll!

Dont forget to let them know what Alliance Gym you belong to! Like the best Jiu Jitsu in the midwest Evolution MMA / Alliance Jiu Jitsu.

Looking to start a Jiu Jitsu class?

If you live in the chicagoland area and are ready to start the best martial art and fitness class out there then sign up for our 1 week free triall today.

With Evolution MMA you will not only get the best Jiu Jitsu class you will also get Boxing, Muay Thai, Kickboxing classes all in one gym!


Are you a Jiu Jitsu Gym owner and would like to be added?

\ Contact us with link below and we will add your gym after a verfication.

Note: you do not have to be a Alliance Jiu Jitsu affilate to add your gym.

*Note: Members must ask gym owners to attend any class and gym owners are not bound to let the person asking to attend there gyms class.*